To Combat China’s Infiltration of the U.S., We Must Begin With the States

Michael Lucci’s op-ed “To Combat China’s Infiltration of the U.S.,” We Must Begin With the States,” was recently published by Real Clear Defense.

In his op-ed where he announced the launch of State Armor, Lucci states:

“China’s threatening actions, from disrupting energy and water supplies to cyber espionage and infrastructure sabotage, are already affecting Americans in their homes here in the United States. If a Pacific conflict erupts as anticipated, the damage could be even worse. The Covid-19 pandemic gave Americans only a small taste of what continued Chinese incursions and a Pacific conflict would do to our quality of life. Next time, it won’t just be paper towels, hand sanitizer, appliances, and medicine that’s in short supply or delayed. Essential services, such as the U.S. power grid, energy sources, and water could be at risk. Americans could be left cold, in the dark, isolated, and without the ability to feed their families. It is a nightmare in the making.

State and local leaders have a responsibility and opportunity to prepare themselves to deter, and if necessary, defeat such incursions. State Armor has a comprehensive game plan they can enact immediately in a bipartisan manner to get swift results for their constituents.”

Read the full version of Michael Lucci’s Op-ed on Real Clear Defense.